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The Tri-State tornado of March 18, 1925. This tornado tore through parts of Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana, killing 695 people.

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Q: What was the worst tornado in US history?
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What was the worst tornado season in us history?

1925. There were 794 tornado deaths in the U.S. that year, 695 from a single tornado.

Where did the worst tornado to hit the US form?

The worst tornado in U.S. history was the Tri-State tornado of March 18, 1925. The tornado first formed north of Ellington, Missouri. The tornado devastated numerous towns in Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana along a path 219 miles long.

What is the worst tornado to hit the US?

The worst tornado in U.S. history was the Tri-State tornado of March 18, 1925. This F5 tornado carved a 219 mile damage path across parts of Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana, killing 695 and injuring over 2,000.

Could there be a tornado in Illinois?

Yes, tornadoes are not uncommon in that state. Illinois was actually the worst hit in the Tri-State tornado, the worst tornado in U.S. history.

What is the worst season for a tornado in the US?

Spring is when the U.S. generally has the worst tornadoes.

What was the worst tornado to ever it Cowley County Kansas?

The worst tornado to hit Cowley County Kansas was the Udall, Kansas F5 tornado of May 25, 1955. This tornado killed 80 people, making it the deadliest tornado in Kansas history.

Name the worst tornado that hit the us in 2000?

The worst (or at least the deadliest) tornado to hit the U.S. was the Camilla, Georgia tornado of February 13, which killed 11 people.

How long has the worst tornado stayed on ground?

The worst tornado in U.S. history, the Tri-State tornado of 1925, was on the ground for 3 hours and 29 minutes. The worst in world history, the Daulatput-Saturia tornado of 1989, had a path length of 50 miles but it is not known how long it was on the ground. However, given the path length it was probably on the ground for an hour to two hours.

What was the worst recorded Multiple vortex tornado?

The worst tornado that is known to have been multiple vortex was the Tri-State tornado of March 18 1925. This was the worst tornado in U.S. history with a death toll of 695. At certain points along its path it was observed to have two or three funnels.

What was the worst tornado that killed many?

The Daulatpur-Saturia tornado of April 26, 1989 is the deadliest tornado in history. This tornado, which occurred in Bangladesh killed about 1,300 peopl.

What are three states with the most tornadoes?

The worst tornado in U.S. history caused damage in Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana. The worst tornado in world history (the Daulatpur-Salturia tornado) occurred in Bangladesh so it did not hit any states per se.

When was the worst tornado in the America?

The worst tornado in U.S. history was on March 18, 1925. Called the Tri-State tornado, it tore a 219 mile long path across Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana, killing 695 people.