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Q: What words does not describe catastrophic geologic change a. sudden b. widespread c. gradual d. rare?
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Does gradual describe catastrophic geologic change?


What is catastrophic change?

sudden Widespread Gradual Time

What is catastrophic geologic change?

A violent, usually destructive natural occoruance.Example:Meteor StrikeLarge Volcanic Erouption(Something in nature that happens and causes a lot of damage.)

How can a landslide be gradual?

Not all landslides are catastrophic events, in some the sliding can occur slowly over months or years.

Which best describe the principle of uniformitarianism?

Similar events and features occur in old and new rock layers. :)

Who proposed that gradual and observable geologic processes could explain the physical features of todays earth?

Charles Lyell

What is the essential difference between Uniformitarianism and Catastrophism?

Uniformitarianism is a principle that geologic processes that occurred in the past can be explained by current geologic processes. So, it is the idea that the same geologic processes that same Earth today have been at work during all of Earth's history. Catastrophism is a principle that states that geologic change occurs suddenly. Catastrophies include floods, asteroids, earthquakes, etc. Today, modern geology is based on the idea that gradual geologic change is interrupted by catastrophies.


LEDS are more reliable than lasers because they operate at lower frequencies therefore do ot suffer any catastrophic degradation or even gradual degration prevalant in laser

Gradual and sporadic changes occur constantly in nature and throughout the universe what biological term is used to describe these changes?


What does Oligocene?

Of or belonging to the geologic time, rock series, or sedimentary deposits of the third epoch of the Tertiary Period, characterized by futher development of modern mammalian fauna, including the rise of the true carnivores and their gradual replacement of the creodonts.

What is gradual in comparative and superlative?

more gradual, most gradual

What does Oligocene mean?

Of or belonging to the geologic time, rock series, or sedimentary deposits of the third epoch of the Tertiary Period, characterized by futher development of modern mammalian fauna, including the rise of the true carnivores and their gradual replacement of the creodonts.