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Q: What would 8 million people look like?
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What do 7440.2 million look like in numbers?

A. It would be 7.4402 billion B. It is 7,440,200,000

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A million has 6 zero's like this, 1,000,000A thousand has 3 zero's like this, 1,000So 6 million and 25 thousand would look like this, 6,025,000

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five million dollars would look like this... $5,000,000.00

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It would be almost indistinguishable from a circle.

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A very small sandcastle.

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what does the number 500 million look like

What does four million six hundred thousand look like?

It would be written as 4,600,000

Who would want to look at you?

Everybody wants to look at everybody. People want to look at everybody to take them people in and find out wether they would like that person, or not like that person.

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What does 12 million dollars look like written

What would land surface look like after one million years?

it will be matrix and robots world