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11.3 = (1 x 10) + (1 x 1) . (3/10)

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Q: What would expanded form look like for 11.3?
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What does expanded form look like?


What would 7.506 look like in expanded form?

(7 x 1) . (5/10) + (0/100) + (6/1000)

What do standard form mean in mathematical terms?

standard form means showing numbers in their normal state. Example- if 3,976 is in expanded form, it would look like this: 3,000 + 900 + 70 + 6 So if a question on a math worksheet asked you what that number would look like in standard from, it would look like this: 3,976- you just took the 0's off of the numbers and put them together.

How do you write four and six tenths look like in expanded form and word form?

4+0.6 Four and six tenths

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[object Object]

What does expanded form mean?

Expanded form shows a number expanded into an addition statement. e.g. 235 = 200 + 30 + 5 e.g. 4.97 = 4 + 0.9 + 0.07 Also when you have a square it will look like Example: 3X1+3X9=30

What does 69.18 look like in expanded form?

60 + 9 + 0.1 + 0.08

What does 1.25 look like in expanded form?

1.25 = (1 x 1) . (2/10) + (5/100)

What does 16 squared look like in expanded form?

162 = 256256 in expanded notation is: (2 x 100) + (5 x 10) + (6 x 1)

How does thirty thousand and three in words look like?

thirty thousand three standard form: 30 003 expanded form: 30 000+3

What would the atria look like expanded?

I have seen one in a cadaver lab and it looks like a hollow cavity with valves.

What does 5 billion 900 million look like in expanded form?

5,000,000,000 + 900,000,0005,000,000,000 + 900,000,0005,000,000,000 + 900,000,0005,000,000,000 + 900,000,000