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an + an = 2an; an x an = an + n

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Q: Whats the formula for sum and product of roots?
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What is the sum and product of roots of a quadratic equation?

the sum is -b/a and the product is c/a

If the sum of the roots of x2 3x-5x0 is added to the product of the roots?

Um, x2+3x-5=0? This is ax2+bx+c where a=1, b=3, and c=-5. The sum of the roots is -b/a so that means the sum of the roots is -3. Also, product of the roots is c/a. That means the product of the roots is -5. -3+(-5)= -8. There you have it.

Formula of quadratic equation if roots are given?

A quadratic equation has the form: x^2 - (sum of the roots)x + product of the roots = 0 or, x^2 - (r1 + r2)x + (r1)(r2) = 0

What is the relationship between the sum and product of the roots?


How do you get a sum and the product of the roots?

multiply by one if ur looking for the sum and divide by one if look ing for the product, easy

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find the sum and product of the roots of 8×2+4×+5=0

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3x squared - 12x - 24 = 0, and -b/a = sum of the roots, and c/a = product of the roots

Are there two integers with a product of-12 and a sum of-3?


What roots of the quadratic equation are equivalent to xx-x-12 equals 0?

-4,3 are the roots of this equation, so for the values for which the sum of roots is 1 & product is -12

What can you add to get twenty-seven and multiply to get twenty-one?

If the given information is the sum and the product of two numbers, then the numbers are not integers, because only 1*21 or 3*7 equals 21, and their sum is different from 27. So let's write the quadratic form of an equation given the sum and the product of roots, and solve it. The sum = 27, the product = 21 x2 - (summ of the roots)x + (product of the roots) = 0 x2 - 27x + 21 = 0; a = 1, b = -27, and c = 21 x = [-b ± √(b2 - 4ac)]/(2a) the quadratic formula x ={-(-27) ± √[(-27)2 - 4(1)(21)]/[2(1)] = [27 ± √(729 - 84)]/2 = (27 ± √645)]/2 Thus, the numbers are (27 - √645)]/2 and (27 + √645)]/2.

Why is it that the product of sum is binomial?

It depends on the product of sum of what.

What is the product and sum of 57 and 22?

The product is 1254. The sum is 79.