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Q: When adding two mixed numbers if the sum of the fractions is greater than 1 you have to carry the 1 over to the whole number side?
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Related questions

How is adding mixed numbers different from adding fractions?

when you add mixed numbers you have a whole number but adding fraction does not.

When adding two mixed numbers if the sum of the fractions is greater than 1 you have to carry the 1 over to the whole-number side?


Which is greater a mixed number or a fraction?

Mixed numbers are greater than proper fractions.

Mixed numbers combine fractions and percents?


Is a mixed number greater than a fraction?

Mixed numbers are greater than proper fractions.

What is adding mixed number?

a mixed number is a whole number with a fraction, ie. 2 3/4 Adding mixed numbers involves adding the whole numbers, then adding the fractions, then reducing the fraction and if it is improper, changing it to a whole number with a fraction and adding that whole number to the other whole number answer.

How is adding fractions like adding whole numbers... How is it different?

Similarities: the sum does not depend on which number you start with (distributive)Differences: you must find a common denominator for the fractions (whole numbers have a common denominator [1]

What are is the rule for subtracting fractions with negative signs?

the same as adding whole numbers. two negatives = negative. two positives = positive, and a negative and positive depends on the absolute value of the greater number.

Do you change a mixed number into an improper number while adding and subtracting?

you do what makes sense given the numbers, if the fractions work out beautifully, you can just leave them as mixed numbers, otherwise it's best to keep them as improper fractions

What are the parts of fractions?

There are 3 Parts of fractions: 1:Improper Fractions Improper fractions are those fractions which numerator is greater than the denominator. 2:Proper Fractions Proper Fractions are those fractions which numerator is smaller than the denominator. 3:Mixed Numbers Mixed Numbers are those numbers which have a whole number and a part of fraction.

When do you need to use two number lines to compare two fractions?

When the numbers are greater than 1

How would you add two mixed numbers that contain unlike fractions?

you would convert the mixed numbers into fractions where the top number is greater than the bottom number, then multiply both the numerator and the denominator by a number that makes the denominators the same.