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On 15 February 1971, known as Decimal Day, the United Kingdom and Ireland decimalized their currencies.

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In February 1971.

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Q: When did UK adopt decimal currency?
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Why did Britain adopt decimal currency?

Prior to 1971 the currency was very complicated. There were 12 pennies in a shilling and 20 shillings in a pound. This was not suitable for modern international commerce and especially computers.

What is the type of currency based on ten?

That would be decimal currency, some currency such as the US dollar has always been decimal. However, other countries such as the UK (and most of the empire) was not always based on the decimal system. Until February in 1971, the UK used the Pound, Shilling and Pence (LSD) system. There were 12 pence to the shilling, and 20 pence to the pound, or 240 pence to the pound. Because of this, some coins that seem odd to the decimal mind made since back then, a sixpence was half a shilling, a threepence a quarter of a shilling, etc. When the UK went decimal, their coinage changed to 100 pence to the pound (with the pound being unchanged) this meant that a shilling was revalued at 5p and coins with more familiar denominations began circulating (5p, 20p, 50p, etc.)

How much would be 5 guineas 2 shillings 2 florins and 12 pennies be in decimal currency?

All of these denominations beloing to the old redundant British predecimal currency system used by many of the British Empire/Commonwealth countries. 5 Guineas (105 Shillings) - converted to £5.25 in decimal currency. 2 Shillings (1 Forin) - converted to £0.10 in decimal currency. 2 Florins (4 Shillings) - converted to £0.20 in decimal currency. 12 Pence (1 Shilling) - converted to £0.05 in decimal currency.

When was the decimal currency first introduced?


When was the decimal currency introduced?

The question 'when was a decimal currency introduced' would not be answerable, because this is lost in the mists of time.However, the use of the words 'the decimal currency' indicates that the question refers to the conversion of the British pound (aka Pound Sterling) to decimal in 1971. The Brits are not known for being in a hurry to change things.