

Best Answer

degrees measures angles.

radians measures angles in the center of a circle.

feet measures distance.

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Q: When finding the answer to a y value in a parallelogram is it degrees or radians or feet?
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What is the value of 5.2 radians in degrees?

5.2 radians = ~297.94 degrees.

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cos20 x cos40 x cos80 = 0.0300 radians = 0.125 degrees (the value for radians is given to four decimal places, the value in degrees is exact)

How do you convert radians to degree measures?

Tiesonthewall:If you were converting from degree to radians, you would actually multiply the value of degrees by* π/180 If you were converting from radians to degrees, you would multiply the radians value by:* 180/πDivide by 180° and multiply by pi.

Value of Sin x in C programming?

#include "stdio.h" #include "math.h" int main() { double result,degrees,radians; printf("Enter the no. of degrees : "); scanf("%lf",&degrees); radians = degrees*(M_PI/180); result = sin(radians); printf("%lf\n",radians); printf("The sin() of %lf is %lf\n", degrees, result); return 0; }

What is the value of sin 90?

In radians; -0.8939966636 In degrees; -1, of course

What is the value of an angle?

Angles are usually measured in degrees. They can also be measured in radians.

What is the value of tan 37.5?

The tangent of 37.5 degrees is 0.76732698797. The angle 37.5 degrees is 5 pi/24 radians.

What is the value of one 1 in radian?

Integers do not convert directly into radians. Only angular values may, such as degrees or grads. ex: 1x180 degrees = pi radians. 2x180 degrees = 2pi radians. Thusly an angle of 1 degree would be equal to pi/180 x 1 degree.

What is the value of inverse tangent of 0?

It is k*pi radians or k*180 degrees for integer k

What does 1 plus cosx?

That can't be simplified. If you have a value for x, you can calculate the expression. Be sure to put your calculator into the correct mode; the angle can be measured either in radians or degrees. You have to know what measurement is being used, but if the angle is written as "x", radians are commonly used.That can't be simplified. If you have a value for x, you can calculate the expression. Be sure to put your calculator into the correct mode; the angle can be measured either in radians or degrees. You have to know what measurement is being used, but if the angle is written as "x", radians are commonly used.That can't be simplified. If you have a value for x, you can calculate the expression. Be sure to put your calculator into the correct mode; the angle can be measured either in radians or degrees. You have to know what measurement is being used, but if the angle is written as "x", radians are commonly used.That can't be simplified. If you have a value for x, you can calculate the expression. Be sure to put your calculator into the correct mode; the angle can be measured either in radians or degrees. You have to know what measurement is being used, but if the angle is written as "x", radians are commonly used.

What is the angle of a parallelgram?

An angle of a parallelogram can have any value in the range (0, 180) degrees.

What is the value of y in the parallelogram 78 A degrees was one and 3y B was the other?

Assuming that in a parallelogram, angle A = 78 degrees angle B = 3y degrees and that angles A and B are adjacent interior angles of the parallelogram. 78 + 3y = 180 so 3y = 102 and so y = 102/3 = 34 degrees.