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Q: When looking at the divisor and the dividend how can you tell where to begin dividing?
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How do you tell when to begin dividing when looking at the divisor and the dividend?

Stop looking and start dividing! Looking is not going to get you an answer!

How do you get the square roots using algorithm?

An algorithm is process or set of rules for doing something If we are looking for square rots which are integers then an algorithm might look like this Put the number whose root is sought into a variable - the dividend. Put 2 into a variable - the divisor Begin a loop divide the dividend by the divisor put the result into a variable - the quotient if the quotient = the divisor then the quotient is the square root of the divident else, add 1 to the divisor next loop

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divisor, dividend, divide, denominator, degree, dodecahedron, diameter, difference, double

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What is a tumor in which the cells begin dividing at an uncontrolled rate and become invasive?

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When did scientists begin looking for a cure for cancer?

the started looking for cures to save more people that where dying from it.

How do humans get there first cells?

The first cells a human has are the egg and sperm, which combine and make a zygote. From there, the initial two cells begin dividing.

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backbend, befriend, dividend, misspend, outspend, overbend, repeatend, reverend, ropesend, townsend.

What are some words that begin with N and mean pretty?

nice looking

Why did European explorers begin looking east?

Because Poland was to the west.