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Are you talking about a triangle? If so, 33

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Q: When one angle is 116 and the other is 31 what is the measurement of the missing anlge?
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How do you determine the measurement of a missing angle in a angle?

To find the measure of an angle, you need to know the size of the entire angle and the other angles within the angle. Then, you subtract the smaller, known angles from the entire, large angle and you should get the measure of the missing angle.

What is the missing angle if the other angle is 38 degrees?

If it is a complementary angle, the missing angle is 52 degrees. If it is a supplementary angle, the missing angle is 142 degrees. If it is an opposite angle, the missing angle is 38 degrees. Obviously, you need to know what type of angle you're looking for.

What is the measurement of an angle that is half as large as the other angle?

The first angle that is half as large as the other angle is 30º The other angle that is the larger is 60º

The measurement of one angle is 8 times the measurement of the other if they are supplementary what do the two angle mesure to?

20o & 160o

What is the missing angle of a triangle if one angle is 35 degrees and the other angle is 62 degrees?

Thmissing angle is 83

What is the first step when trying to find a missing angle?

If you are trying to find the missing angle of a triangle you do 180 degrees minus your two other angles. However if you are trying to find the missing angle of a quadrilaterals you do the same thing but with 360 degrees.

What is the missing angle if an angle measures 30 degrees 90 degrees what is the other angle?

If it's a right angle triangle then the the third angle is 60 degrees.

One acute angle of a right triangle is 40 degrees. What is the measurement of the other acute angle?

50 deg

What is the missing angle of a triangle if one angle is 47 degrees and the other angle is 62 degrees?

The angles must add up to 180o Let the missing angle be x so, x + 62o + 47o = 180o x = 71o

How do you find the missing angle of a quadrangle?

you add the three other angles and subtract that from 360

How do you find the area with a missing measurement?

To find the missing measurement of a shape you have to look at the opposite side and see what it adds up to. Then you make that side and the other missing side add up to the opposite side

Two angle are supplementary the first angle measures 60 degrees what is the measurement of the second angle?

the other angle has to be 120 degrees, so that both angles add up to 180 degrees.