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Yes, and parenthesis are the first thing you solve.

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Q: When the problem is in parenthesis do you use the order of operations to find a solution?
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What do order of operations means explain?

Order of Operations is like when you have a problem i always use PEMDAS it means parenthesis, expoents, mulitipication, divide, addition, Subtraction follow it.

Order of operations which is first?


What do you solve first in the Order of Operations?


How would you describe the order of operations to solve any given problem?

Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction

What are the steps in parenthesis in the order of operations?

the question in the parenthesis comes first you do the question in the parenthesis then go back and do the other half thats not in parenthesis

What operations are performed first in the order of operations?

parenthesis. For example, ( 4 + 5 ) - 2

What do the parenthesis do in math?

Based on the order of operations (PEMDAS), it states all inside the parenthesis goes first. For example, if you had the problem (1+3) x 4, you would do the 1+3 first, then multiply it by 4.

What does the order of operations stand for?

parenthesis, exponent, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction

Where do you put parentheses in order of operations?

At the top of the list. Parenthesis (or brackets) are dealt with first.

When evaluating algebraic expressions what is the order of operations?

BOMDAS Brackets (parenthesis), Of, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction

When do you use order of operations?

You use order of operations in equations that have more than one type of operation going on (for example, an equation with parenthesis, addition, and multiplication). You would use order of operations in equations like that so you know which operation to do first.

How do you do order of operations with square roots and exponents?

PEMDAS: parenthesis exponents multiply divide add subtract prentices