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Q: When two animals line in the same area and depend on the same organism for food they are what?
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Does animals depend on other organisms for food?

Yes. All animals depend on some organism to survive. It can be a rabbit eating grass, a lion eating the rabbit, or a dead cow lying in the middle of the street for any other living organism to eat/get nutrients from it.

What animals depend on plants for food shelter and protections?

name two animals that depend on plants for food?

How do animals depend on food?

Animals depend on food for energy, energy gives them the ability to move, grow, and reproduce.

Do animals that eat other animals depend on plants?

Yes. Animals that eat other animals depend on herbivores for food, which in turn depend on plants.

What animals indirectly depend on plants in food chain?

Animals around the area. You could list them all you have to learn for yourself suck in sucker

What do you call the organism that depend on the producer for food?

We call these consumers.

What is heterophic?

Heterotrophs are organisms that cannot make their own food. They have to depend on other plants and animals for nutrition.

Animals depend on plants to make?

Animals such as omnivores depend on plants 2 make food.

What animals are called consumers?

which depend on other animals for their food

How do humans depend on the northern tundra?

it depend on Food,Tree,and animals

In a food chain why are plants called producers and animals called consumers?

Plants are called producers because they can produce their own food through photosynthesis using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. Animals are called consumers because they cannot produce their own food and must consume plant material or other animals to obtain energy. They rely on producers for their energy needs in the food chain.

Why do organism in the kingdom animalia depend on organism in the kingdom plantae for survival?

Organisms in the kingdom Animalia depend on those in Plantae because plants are the primary producers that convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis. Animals rely on plants either directly by consuming them for food or indirectly by consuming other animals that have eaten plants. This interdependence forms the basis of the food chain and ensures the flow of energy through ecosystems.