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rhyming couplet

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Q: When two consecutive lines of poetry rhyme with each other?
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What is the name normally given to two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme?

Provided that the metre is the same, the lines are referred to as a 'couplet'.

What is the definition of external rhyme in poetry?

External rhyme in poetry refers to the rhyming of words at the end of consecutive lines. It is a common poetic device that can create a pleasing sound pattern and enhance the overall rhythm of the poem.

What type of rhyme does a couplet use?

A couplet uses end rhyme, which means the rhyme occurs at the end of the lines. In a couplet, two consecutive lines rhyme with each other.

How do you label rhyme schemes in poetry?

Rhyme schemes in poetry are typically labeled by assigning a letter of the alphabet to each end rhyme. For example, in a poem where the first and third lines rhyme with each other and the second and fourth lines rhyme with each other, the rhyme scheme would be AABB.

What does couplet mean in poetry?

A couplet in poetry is a pair of consecutive lines that rhyme with each other. Typically, a couplet presents a complete thought or idea within those two lines. Couplet is a common form used in various poetic traditions.

When the ends of two lines of poetry rhyme but the rhyme is a little bit off we call it this type of rhyme?

slant rhyme

How are poems different from other kinds of writing?

Poetry is different from other kinds of writings because poetry usually rhymes, novels and such does not rhyme. Poetry is usually formed into a four line stanza, but it does not have to be. It can range form two lines to five lines.

How lines in poetry are idenitified?

rhyme patterns indicated by letters

What poetry has very few rules and the lines do not rhyme?

That kind of poetry is called free verse.

What is ababcdcde?

"ababcdcde" is a pattern used in poetry to describe the rhyme scheme of a stanza. It means that in a set of lines, lines 1 and 2 rhyme, lines 3 and 4 rhyme, lines 5 and 6 rhyme, and lines 7 and 8 rhyme, with each letter representing a unique end rhyme.

What is ABBA rhyme?

ABBA rhyme scheme is a pattern used in poetry where the first and fourth lines rhyme with each other, and the second and third lines rhyme with each other. This creates a sense of balance and symmetry in the poem.

What makes the poem a flea and a fly in a flue a limerick?

A limerick is a form of poetry with five lines, where lines one, two, and five rhyme with each other, and lines three and four also rhyme with each other. The poem "A flea and a fly in a flue" fits this pattern with its AABBA rhyme scheme, making it a limerick.