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Yes, nibbling between horses indicates they like each other, however, sometimes a nibble isn't a nibble, it is a test of dominance. So if it goes to biting, keep an eye on them, and separate if needed.

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Q: When two horses nibling each other means they get along well?
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Do two horses nibbbling each other get along well?

it means their friends and enjoy each other. They do that in the wild and in paddocks. When they nibble they are scratching and grooming each other.

Will horses that are chewing on each other get along well?

horses chewing on each other are often just grooming each other and if they are just grooming each other they should get along fine

Do horses get along easily with other horses?

It dependson the horses, sometimes there inseparable and sometimes there as mean as a rattlesnake to another!Hope this helps.

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Horses enjoy the company of other horses, and also cats and donkeys/mules. They may get along with other animals such as dogs or goats.They do not like snakes, pigs.Horses like other horses :) aswell as other animals ^^^

Do horses like other horses?

Horses are social animals and enjoy being in a herd. There is a pecking order and some horses just don't get along. ( Like people )

Do two horses nibbling on each other get along?

When a horses is nibling on another horse is a sighn of friendship. if the horse was nibbling in a mean way, the other horse would kick or somthing. this nibbling act is a way of grooming eachother. -georgia head horse administrator

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No. Horses neigh to other horses ( wich means they're talking )

Horses verbal communication?

horses have different ways of sending messages to other horses and us. a good example is: neighing means the horse is distressed. horses also have physical communication as well. rearing and bucking are signs of either fear or anger.

Could a mastiff get along with a horse?

it would depend on how you introduced them to each other as i have 2 dogs and they get on well with our horses

Do horses partner with another organis m?

If you are looking for an animal to keep your horse company, then you could try a donkey or a burro. They often get along with other horses, and are not expensive to keep

Do two horses nibbling each other get on well?

Yes, horses nibble to show affection to other horses, but this can also be a sign of dislike to other horses. Watch to see if the nibbling escalates to hard biting with the ears laid back flat. This means dislike. If the nibbling stays nibbling that is ok.

How can you get to differ female horses to get along with each other?

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