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Depending on the calculator, it can be :

sqrt(number) = answer, or

number, press sqrt, answer.

examples : sqrt(49) press enter = 7

or put 49, press sqrt, answer is shown as 7.

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Q: When using a calculator to find the square root of a number what is the correct sequnce of steps?
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When using a calculator to find the square root of a number which what is the correct sequence of steps?

D. enter the number; press the square root key

What is the highest square number on a calculator?

It depends on the type of calculator you have. If you have a 8-digit calculator, the largest square number you can display is 99,980,001. If you have a 10-digit calculator, the largest square number you can display is 9,999,800,001. With a TI-84, you can display 9.999999999e99 (which is actually rounded).

What is the square root of 1189?

34.482 ( not pretty, but correct by my calculator!)

How do you find square root on a calculator?

The square root button on a calculator is normally the button which resembles a 'tick' symbol. Depending on the calculator you will press this before or after entering the number you wish to square root.

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It is 16.5 x 13 square centimetres, by the efficient and correct use of a calculator this exact number can be found. You're welcome.

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When using a calculator to fine the square root of a number what is the correct sequence of steps?

On some calculators, you type the number, followed by the square-root key. On others, especially the more modern ones, you press the square root key, followed by the number, then you press the "equal" key to get the result.

Is 2934 a square?

Try it out! For example, you can use a calculator to calculate the number's square root. If you get a whole number - no decimals - then the number is a perfect square.

Is 2002 a square number?

Try it out. Take the square root on a calculator, and see whether you get a whole number.

What calculator key is used to square a number?

It would be the square root key. (√) `it is not on the keyboard

How do you find the square root of a given number?

use a calculator

How do you square root a number?

use a calculator, or if your smart your brain:)