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when the thermomter used mecury comes to nearest

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Q: When using a thermometer it should be measured to the nearest?
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Temperature is measured using a?


How is a human temperature measured?

Using a thermometer.

How is your body's warmth measured?

Your body's warmth is measured with a thermometer. There are different types of thermometers depending on where you take the person's temperature.

What precautions should you take while using a laboratory thermometer?

The thermometer should be kept upright not tilted. 2.) The bulb of the thermometer should be surrounded from all sides by the substance of which the temperature is to be measured. 3.) The bulb should no touch the surface of the container.

What is the measuring tool for kelvin?

A kelvin can be measured using a thermometer.

What tools are used to measure the environmental conditions?

Oxygen levels in the water can be measured using oxygen probes which are often connected to a data logger. Rainfalls can be measured using a rain gauge. Temperature can be measured with an ordinary thermometer or a digital thermometer. The advantage of the digital thermometer is that nobody has to be there when it is getting measured.

How is the air temperature usually measured?


What mesurements tool is used to finding temperature?

Temperature is measured using a thermometer.

Can body temperature be measured by keeping the thermometer at some place other than the mouth?

Yes. Temperature can be taken under the armpit (auxilla region), on the forehead using a thermometer strip (normally used for infants) and rectally using a rectal thermometer.

How is temperature is measured?

Temperature is usually measured with a thermometer which tells you how many degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit the temperature is (Fahrenheit is the American measure and Celsius is what everyone else uses)

Is the heat of a wave measured from the top of one crest to the top of another?

No, the heat of a wave is measured by using, for example, a thermometer to gauge temperature. The distance from crest to crest is wavelength.

How should a thermometer be inserted when taking an oral temperature when using an electronic thermometer?

under the tongue to the side of the mouth