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Q: When you multiply two numbers what do you call the resulting number?
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What do you call the numbers you multiply together to get a product?

multiplier the number that multiplies multiplicand the number to be multiplied product the answer in multiplication

What do you call when you multiply the 2 number?

If you are asking what the answer is called when two numbers are multiplied , it is called a product.

What do you call the answer when you multiply two numbers?


What do you call the numbers you use to multiply?

Factors OR multiplicands.

When you multiply two numbers what do you call the two numbers that you multiply?

The two (or more) numbers that you multiply are called factors. (The result of the multiplication is called the product.)

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Can you multiply a 2x2 matrices?

You can definitely multiply 2x2 matrices with each other. In fact you can multiply a AxB matrix with a BxC matrix, where A, B, and C are natural numbers. That is, the number of columns of the first matrix must equal the number of rows of the second matrix--we call this "inner dimensions must match."

What do you call the numbers that is divided by the other numbers?

You call this number the Divisor. The number it is being divided by is the Dividend.the dvident i bielive is the correct answer

How do you make a factor tree for the number 20?

First you find what ever two number you can think of that multiply to 20 my first two numbers i think of is 5 and 4 20 5, 4 ===> now only 5 and 1 multiply to give 5 so two number that multiply to 4? 2,2 so now we cant go any farther we have 5, 2,2, which we can also call our LCM if you multiply 5*2*2 = 20 and you are done! hope this helps! *** you could start with any two numbers that multiply to 20 as well**** 10, 2 5,2 still get 5,2,2

What do you call the number by which a number is divided?

The number by which a number is divided is called the divisor. The number which is divided is called the dividend and the number resulting from the division is called the quotient.

How many numbers do they have to call prodigy?

he have one number can i give him my phone number so he can call me now