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Q: When you square a number is the result always larger than the number you started with?
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When you add numbers that have different signs will you always get a negative number?

No. When you add a positive and negative number, the bigger one determines the sign of the result. For example, when you add -5 and 3, the result will be negative because the negative number is larger. When you add -4 and 6, the result will be positive because the positive number is larger.

Does division always mean smaller Why?

No. For example, 5 divided by 0.5 is equal to 10. In general, assuming you work with positive numbers only, if you divide by a number GREATER than one, the result will be less than the original number; if you divide by a number LESS than one, the result will be larger than the original number.

What is the name for a number that if squared the result is always greater than the number you started with?

Real Numbers/Integers except 1 Perfect Squares

Why is anything mulpitied by a number always greater?

because when mulitipling that number your always going to get a greater number because that's just how mulipication worksWhen multiplying two whole numbers the result will always be greater than either number except when multiplying by zero (the result will always be zero), or multiplying by one (the result is always the other number). Although it f obvious to most people, it can be demonstrated as follows:When multiplying a number by 2, the result is twice the number.When multiplying a number by 3, the result is three times the number,even bigger.When multiplying a number by 4, the result is four times the number,even bigger still.The pattern continues. Each time you multiply by a larger number, the result gets even bigger.a

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You subtract the smaller number from the larger, then divide the result by the larger number and multiply that result by 100.

What are two mathods of comparing numbers?

One option for comparing two numbers is to subtract the first number from the second number. If the result is less than zero, the first number is larger. If the result is greater than zero, the second number is larger. If the result is zero, the numbers are equal. Another option (for positive numbers) would be to divide the first number by the second number. If the result is greater than one, the first number is larger. If the result is less than one, the second number is larger. If the result is one, the numbers are equal. This rule flips if you are comparing negative numbers.

What is it called when one number can be divided by another and the result is an exact whole number?

The smaller number is a factor of the larger number, and the larger number is a multiple of the smaller.

How can you test to determine whether a number is a factor of another number?

Divide the larger number by the smaller. If the result has no remainder (no decimal) then the smaller number is a factor of the larger.

Is a positive number and a negative number will always be negative?

A positive number multiplied by a negative number will always result in a negative number.

Does reversing the order of the digits of a two digit prime number always result in a prime number?

No, reversing the order of the digits of a two-digit prime number does not always result in a prime number.

What even number and odd number equal a even number?

Your question is incomplete. Adding an even number with an odd number will always result in an odd number. Multiplying an even number with an odd number will always result in an even number.