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Since the height of the tree and the length of the shadow are the same and the tree makes a 90 angle with the ground, then a 45 45 90 triangle is created. So the sun must be at a 45 degree angle below the horizontal.

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Q: Where is the sun when a tree is 60 ft and casts a shadow 60 ft?
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50 ft. tall you can use a proportion.10/25=20/x10x/10=500/10x=50Improved Answer:Let the height be x:x/25 = 24/10Multiply both sides by 25:x = 600/10Height of tower = 60 feetThis problem can also be solved through trigonometry because the tangent ratio works out as 67.38013505 degrees.

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Factor tree of 60?

60 30,2 15,2,2 5,3,2,2

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Because 45 is not a factor of 60.

Factor tree for 60?

60 30,2 15,2,2 5,3,2,2

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60 30,2 15,2,2 5,3,2,2

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60 30,2 15,2,2 5,3,2,2