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Q: Which 3 whole numbers have a total of 13 and a product of 72?
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What is the product of two whole numbers if their sum is 21 and positive difference is 5?

The numbers are 13 and 8 The product is 104

What are three whole numbers with the product of 2730 no common factors?

6 x 13 x 35 = 2730

What are 2 numbers that have a product of 13?

-- If you accept decimals and fractions, then there are an infinite number of pairs that satisfy that description. -- If you only want to consider whole numbers, then there are only two possible pairs: 1 and 13 -1 and -13

What is the product of two whole numbers if their sum is 20 and positive difference is 6?

The product of the two whole number is 13*7=91 This is because when u add both equations (a+b=20 with a-b=6) then u can get a=13 and b=7

What 2 whole numbers equal 13 when multiplied?

13 is a prime number, so the only 2 whole numbers that multiply to 13 are 13 and 1.

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When a numbers is multiplied by 13 product consist of all 5's the smallest such numbers is?

Is -13 a whole number?

No as that this number has a decimal point. Whole numbers are numbers without decimal points

How do you turn mixed numbers into improper numbers?

Multiply the denominator by the whole number, add that total to the numerator and put the whole thing over the original denominator. 3 and 1/4 = 13/4

The sum of 2 numbers is 25 and their product is 156 What are the numbers?

If the sum of 2 numbers is 25 and their product is 156, the numbers are 12 and 13.

The product of two consecutive odd numbers is 195find the numbers?

The numbers are 13 and 15 (13 x 15 = 195).

What 2 whole numbers is 14 between?

14 is immediately between the whole numbers of 13 and 15.

What to numbers multiplied together make 13?

There are no two WHOLE NUMBERS that equal 13 besides the obvious 1 & 13.