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If it weighs one kilogram on the moon, it will have about six times as many apples as a bag of 1 kilo apples on earth.

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Q: Which contains more apples a 1 kilogram bag of apples on earth or a 1 kilogram bag on the moon?
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What would weigh more 1 kilogram of apples on earth or 1 kilogram bag of apples on the moon?

A 1 pound bag on the moon contains more apples. weight equals mass× gravitational aceleration. since the acceleration on earth is nearly 6 time the acceleration of the moon, thus if both bags have the same weight and the apples' mass on earth is x then there mass on moon is 6x

What is the weight of 1 kilogram of iron on earth compared to 1 kilogram of iron on the moon?

On the moon, because of the mass difference between the moon and the Earth, it would weigh 1/6th of kilogram.

Is there more apples in a 1pound bag on earth or a 1pound bag on the moon?

There are six times as many apples in the bag on the Moon. This is usually used by the metric folks to point out that the pound is really a measure of Force, while the kilogram is a measure of Mass. (If the question had been 1 kg of apples on each, the answer would have been that they have the same number of apples).

Does a 20kg object have the same weight on earth as it does the moon?

No. On Earth, each kilogram weighs about 9.8 newtons. On the Moon, the weight of each kilogram is about 1/6 of what it is on Earth.

How are falling apples and the moon orbit of the moon alike?

They are both falling as a constant acceleration towards the earth

How much is the mass of a kilogram on earth?

The mass is 1 kilogram anywhere. The mass doesn't change.The weight of 1 kilogram is 9.8 newtons (2.205 pounds) on earth,and 1.6 newtons (5.8 ounces) on the moon.

Why is it the mass of the moon is less than the mass of the earth?

Because earth contains more matter as compared to moon.

Why Does earth contain more metal than the moon?

Because earth contains more mineral than the moon.

Which is larger 1 pound or 1 kilogram?

On Earth, 1 kilogram of mass weighs 2.205 pounds. On the moon, the same kilogram weighs 0.353 pound. We'll let you figure it out from there.

What is larger 1 kilogram or 1 pound?

On Earth, 1 kilogram of mass weighs 2.205 pounds. On the moon, the same kilogram weighs 0.353 pound. We'll let you figure it out from there.

Which larger 1 kilogram or 1 pound?

On Earth, 1 kilogram of mass weighs 2.205 pounds. On the moon, the same kilogram weighs 0.353 pound. We'll let you figure it out from there.

How does 1 kilogram compare to 1 pound?

On Earth, 1 kilogram of mass weighs 2.205 pounds. On the moon, the same kilogram weighs 0.353 pound. We'll let you figure it out from there.