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Q: Which could be the value of x if 0.6x68 percent?
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How do you calculate the percent of a value against another value?

X as a percentage of Y is 100*X/Y.

What is 30 percent of 1100 dollars?

To find 30 percent of any value, multiply the value by 0.3. Like this, 0.3 x 1100 = 330. Therefore, 30 percent of $1,100 is $330So the answer is $330.

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40% equal to fraction 30 what is value of X?

What is 10 percent of 9.95?

To find 10 percent of a value, multiply the value by 0.1. In this instance, 0.1 x 9.95 = 0.995.

How do you calculate a 40 percent decrease?

X - (X * .4) Find 40% of the value and subtract that result from the original value.

How do you find precent of change?

You don't.You could find percent of change but first you would have to learn to check your spelling!Suppose the value changes from X to Ythe change is (Y - X)the proportional change is (Y - X)/X = (Y/X - 1)the percentage change is 100*(Y/X - 1)that is,100*(New Value/Old Value - 1)

How do you divide by exact value and make it a percent?

Some value / exact value x 100 = percentage

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By changing the value of x you can get any answer you like.

What is the value of X if 1 divided by X equals X percent?

' X ' is positive 10 or negative 10.

How do you calculate 25 percent?

To calculate 25 percent of a value, multiply the value by 0.25. For example, 25 percent of 130 is equal to 130 x 0.25 = 32.5.

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To find 31 percent of a value, multiply the value by 0.31. In this instance, 0.31 x $275 = $85.25.

What is 5 percent of 70000 dollars?

To find 5 percent of a value, multiply the value by 0.05. In this instance, 0.05 x 70000 = $3500.