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In terms of accuracy of digits:

124 has 3 significant figures

26.3 has 3 significant figures

30 has 1 (or 2) significant figure(s)*

92.56 has 4 significant figures

Thus 92.56 km is the most precise (having the most significant digits).

In terms of the distance measured:

124 m is accurate to ± 50 cm

26.3 miles is accurate to (approx) ± 8047 cm

30 cm is accurate to ± 5 cm or ± 0.5 cm*

92.56 km is accurate to ± 500 cm

Thus 30 cm is the most precise (having the least range of distances that round to it)

* Depends if it has been rounded to the nearest 10 (30 ± 5) or 1 (30 ± 0.5)

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9y ago

In absolute terms, 30 centimetres is the most precise but in relative terms it is 92.56 kilometres.

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Q: Which distance measurement is the most precise 124 meters 26.3 miles 30 centimeters or 92.56 kilometers?
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