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A closed circle is when a range of numbers also includes that number and an open circle is when a range of numbers doesn't include that number, :)

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Q: Which do you use an open circle or closed cirle for graphing inequalities?
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Which of these is a radius in a cirle?

The line from the centre of the circle to any point on its circumference

How are planets different from moon?

Planets circle the sun Moons cirle planets.

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What is the formula for the circumference of the cirle?

circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter

What is the area of a cirle with a radius of 5 in?

The area of a circle of radius r is pi*r*r

What is the relationship between a track and a sector?

track is invisible cirle on hard disk and sector are the segments of these circle

The diameter of a cirle is 127mm What is the length of theradius?

The radius of a circle is always PRECISELY one half its diameter.

How do you say circle in Scottish?

cirle in English is the same in scottish. its just a nationality unless you mean galic where it is círculo

How does pi relate to the circumference and diameter of a cirle?

The cicumference of any circle divided by its diameter is aways equal to pi.

What is shape is a cylinder cut in half?

a smaller cylinder when cut horizontally. A semi-circle when cut vertically

How many side does a semi circle have?

It has 2 sides - one straight and one curved.

What does it mean when a yellow cirle with three dots appear on each side of circle on your dashboard in your 325I?

Your brakes need servicing.