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starch gives more energy than sugar because starch is a polysaccharide(polymer of sugar).

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Q: What stores more energy starch or fat?
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Related questions

Why does peanut have more energy than biscuits and crisps?

Peanuts have more energy because it contains fat instead of starch. Fat contains around 2 times the energy that starch has.

What tissue stores energy?

In animals fats, in plants oils and starch grains.

What kind of carbohydrate do plants use to store energy?

Carbohydrates are stored as complex sugars. The larger molecules are called starch and bigger than that is cellulose.

Where does an organism store energy?

A small amount of energy is stored in the cells. For animals the major energy store are the fat reserves and for plants the major energy stores is starch. Single celled creatures use glucose.

Food energy not stored as fat or glycogen is stored as what?


What class of organic compounds stores energy as fat?

Lipids are the class of organic compounds that stores energy as fat.

What do cells use sugar and starch for?

The function of starch in plant cells is primarily the storage, and then the releasing, of biochemical energy.

Which class of organic compounds stores energy as fat?

Lipids are the class of organic compounds that stores energy as fat.

What is the difference between carbohydrate energy and fat energy?

carbohydrate energy is usage of energy fat energy stores energy

How are glucose sucrose and starch related?

humans store the energy from starch as glycogenBoth starch and glycogen are are polymers formed from sugar molecules called glucose and they serve as energy storage.

What is a substance that your body stores energy as?

fat is stored for energy

What type of energy does food store?

Food stores fat. Fat is an energy source of the body.