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They both have the same mass. A kilogram measure mass regardless of the material, volume etc.

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Q: Which has a greater mass a kilogram of bricks or a kilogram of feathers?
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Which has the greater mass a kilogram of feathers or kilogram of bricks?

Neither. A kilogram is the same regardless.

Which has more mass 1 kilogram of feathers or 1 kilogram of bricks?

Neither. They both have the same mass. "kg" is a measurement of mass. If you meant volume (the space taken up by the object), the feathers would have the greater volume.

What would have the larger mass a kilogram of lead or a kilogram of feathers?

A kilogram is a measure of mass therefore a kilogram of lead and a kilogram of feathers have the same mass: one kilogram. They would, however, have different volumes and densities.

Why does a kilogram of bricks take up a much smaller space than a kilogram of feathers?

Sand is denser than feathers. Since a given volume of a denser material has more mass than the same volume of a less dense material, when you make the masses the same, the volumes must vary.

How does a pound of bricks and a pound of feathers compare?

-- The bricks and the feathers have the same weight.-- The bricks and the feathers have the same mass.-- The feathers have more volume than the bricks.-- The bricks have more density than the feathers.-- Neither the package of bricks nor the package of feathers is edible.-- The bricks definitely sink in water, whereas the feathers may float on water.-- When dropped through air, the feathers fall slower than the bricks, because of air resistance.-- I'm guessing that the feathers cost more than the bricks.

Which has a larger mass one kilogram of gold or one kilogram of feathers?

Their mass is 1 kg.

What is more dense- a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?

The answer is very much the same as the answer to the question: "Which weighs most, hot water, cold water, or water colored green ?" The answer, of course, is: That depends on how much you have of each substance. One thing we can definitely guarantee: A pound of bricks, a pound of cheese, and a pound of feathers all have precisely the same, identical, and indistinguishable weight.

Is the mass of 1 liter of feathers greater than the mass of 1 liter of nails?

No. The mass of one liter of feathers is not greater than the mass of 1 liter of nails. The mass of 1 liter of nails is greater than the mass of 1 liter of feathers. That's why 1 liter of nails is heavier than 1 liter of feathers.

Which has more mass a kilogram of steel or a kilogram of feathers?

The "kilogram" is a unit of mass. Every kilogram has the same mass, no matterof what substance.The question is much like asking: "Which is longer, a mile in a car or a mile on a bicycle ?"

What has more mass 1kg of feathers or 1kg of steel?

Neither! They both have the same mass of 1 Kilogram.

Why do bricks take up less space than feathers equaling the same weight as the bricks?

Bricks have more density whereas feathers have less comparatively. Space occupied ie volume = mass/ density. So space occupied is inversely related to the density. Hence feathers occupy more space than the bricks.

Does the mass of an object affect its weight?

yes and no. its like a pice of cardboard the size of a house and a brick the size of a house . same mass diff weight or it can go 1000lbs of feathers and 1000lbs of bricks. both weight the same but the mass of feathers will be alot more than the bricks _Newman