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A sum that is a factor of 6 has a greater my dick

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Q: Which has a greater probability of being rolled on a pair of number cubes a sum that is a factor 6 or a sum that is the multiple of 6?
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What is a multiple factor?

A factor is a number or algebraic expression by which another is exactly divisible. A multiple is a number that can be divided by another number without a remainder. A multiple factor is an oxymoron.

Is any factor of a whole number greater than any multiple of a whole number?


What has a greater probability of being rolled on a pair of number dice a multiple of 6 or a factor of 6?

A multiple of 6 because you can get a 6 and 6, a 1 and 5, a 2 and 4, and a 3 and 3. The only factors you can get are 2, 3, and 6.

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If the only numbers to pick from are 1 through 8, how can you get a factor greater than 10?

Is a factor a multiple?

As a general rule, multiples tend to be larger than factors. This is not always true. 9 is a factor of 27. 6 is a multiple of 3. The important distinction is in the relationship to the number they are factors or multiples of. A factor will be equal to or lesser than the number. A multiple will be equal to or greater than the number.

Is 8 a multiple of 18?

No. A number cannot be a multiple of a number greater than it. 18 is greater than 8 so 8 cannot be a multiple of 18. Nor is 8 a factor of 18. The factors of a number are those numbers which divide into it without remainder.

What is the probability of rolling a number greater than 6 on a die?

The probability of rolling a number greater than 6 on a die is 0.

Is it true that when one number is multiple of another the greatest common factor of the numbers is greater of the numbers?

No, the lesser.

What is the difference a multiple of a number and a factor of a number?

A factor is what goes into a number, a multiple is what a number goes into. 3 is a factor of 9 27 is a multiple of 9.

If a number is a factor of another number can it be a multiple also of the same number?

No. A number cannot be both a factor and a multiple of another number. A number can be multiple and factor of itself, but nothing else.