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Their mass is 1 kg.

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Q: Which has a larger mass one kilogram of gold or one kilogram of feathers?
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What would have the larger mass a kilogram of lead or a kilogram of feathers?

A kilogram is a measure of mass therefore a kilogram of lead and a kilogram of feathers have the same mass: one kilogram. They would, however, have different volumes and densities.

What would have more mass a kilogram of feathers or a kilogram of gold?

the gold would have more mass unless there is no gravity like on the moon then they would both fall at the same time.

Is 1 kilogram of gold heavier then 1 kilogram of feathers?

Kilograms are a measure of mass so if it's both 1kg then it's the same.

Which has more mass a kilogram of steel or a kilogram of feathers?

The "kilogram" is a unit of mass. Every kilogram has the same mass, no matterof what substance.The question is much like asking: "Which is longer, a mile in a car or a mile on a bicycle ?"

Which has the greater mass a kilogram of feathers or kilogram of bricks?

Neither. A kilogram is the same regardless.

Which has a greater mass a kilogram of bricks or a kilogram of feathers?

They both have the same mass. A kilogram measure mass regardless of the material, volume etc.

What has more mass gold or feathers?


Why does a kilogram of sand takes up much less space than a kilogram?

A kilogram of sand takes up much less space than a kilogram of feathers because sand is denser than feathers. Density refers to how much mass is contained in a given volume. Since sand particles are heavier and more compact than feathers, they occupy less space for the same mass.

Which has more mass 1 kilogram of feathers or 1 kilogram of bricks?

Neither. They both have the same mass. "kg" is a measurement of mass. If you meant volume (the space taken up by the object), the feathers would have the greater volume.

What has more mass 1kg of feathers or 1kg of steel?

Neither! They both have the same mass of 1 Kilogram.

Which is larger kilogram or pound?

The kilogram is a larger unit of mass. One pound is equal to approximately 0.454 kilograms.

Why does a kilogram of bricks take up a much smaller space than a kilogram of feathers?

Sand is denser than feathers. Since a given volume of a denser material has more mass than the same volume of a less dense material, when you make the masses the same, the volumes must vary.