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Q: Which is an example of a set point for the body?
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How does BMR relate to your metabolic set point?

BMR is dictated by the set point. For example, if you were to go on a very low calorie diet, your body would lower its metabolic set point. Therefore, the BMR would be focused on conserving energy and storing those calories.

What is a set point in homeostasis dealing with temperature?

What is a set point in homeostasis in human body temperature

Is homeostasis the steps for maintaining body temperature at a set point?

yes. the homeostatic control system is a network of body components that cooperate to maintain a steaty internal environment. It detects deviations from the normal set point withing the body, then sends this information to the control center (central nervous system), and then the body makes appropriate adjustments in the effected body parts to restore the changed factor to the set point. When the body experiences an increase in temperature it will compensate for that change by sweating. or if the body experiences a decrease in temperature below its set point skeletal muscle contractions will occur (shivering) to bring the temperature back up to the set point. here is a layout of the events that occur: fall in body temperature --> temperature-monitoring nerve cells are stimulated --> information sent to temperature control center (integrator) --> stimulates skeletal muscle contractions --> increased heat production through shivering --> body temperature reaches set point and stimulation ends.

Do pyrogens act by increasing the set point for body temperature in the thalamus?

No. Pyrogens act by increasing the temperature, but they do not change the set point in the thalamus.

What example of aphelion?

The point on the orbit of a celestial body that is farthest from the sun.

What is the average human body temperature set point?

The answer for this question is 98.6 Celsius

What is a set point in regards to internal conditions of the human body?

Tells what a particular value should be.

What is the proximal plane of the human body?

closer to the origin of the body part or the point of attachment of a limb to a body trunk. For example, The elbow is proximal to the wrist

What animals have body parts arranged around a central point?

Certain animals have their body parts arranged around a central point. A starfish is a good example of this, which is known as radial symmetry.

Can a body have acceleration while at rest give example?

a body projected upward is in rest at the top most point, but acceleration is not zero

What is happening to a body when a body has fever?

Your body's temperature set point has been raised so that your body will heat up in order to help your immune system destroy the pathogens that are inside you.

How come when you have a fever you are really cold but your skin is hot?

Your body has a "set point" where everything is as it should be. When you're sick, your hypothalamus changes this set point, by increasing your body's "thermostat". Like when you turn up your heater in your house. This makes your body think that you're too cold. So, you feel cold, because according to your thermostat, you are. So, you shiver, you want to cover up with blankets and you feel freezing, because your set point is so high. Once you reach this new set point, it goes back to where it is supposed to be and you "break" your fever. Your body starts sweating (like you would if you were in a hot room) to try and cool off.