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Since you're working with the same units of measurement for all of your readings, you can just place them on a number line.

-7 < -5 < 0 < 2

-7C is the coldest of these four.

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Q: Which is colder -7 degrees celsius or 0 degrees celsius or 2 degrees celsius or -5 degrees celsius?
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Yes, -12 degrees Celsius is colder than -2 degrees Celsius. The farther the temperature is below zero, the colder it is.

Is -19 degrees Celsius colder than -4 degrees Celsius?

Yes, -19 degrees Celsius is colder than -4 degrees Celsius. The larger the negative number, the colder the temperature.

Is 2 degrees Celsius colder than 6?

Yes, 2 degrees Celsius is colder than 6 degrees Celsius. The difference between the two temperatures is 4 degrees.

Is 8 degrees Celsius colder than 2 Celsius?

No, 8 degrees Celsius is actually warmer than 2 degrees Celsius.

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275 Kelvin is colder because it is equivalent to 2 degrees Celsius, which is lower than 5 degrees Celsius.

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Which is colder 35 degrees Fahrenheit or 38 degrees Celsius?

35&deg;C = 95&deg;F 35&deg;F = 2&deg;C 35&deg; Fahrenheit is much cooler. * * * * * F is cooler for temperatures down to minus 40 degrees (C or F). Below that the Celsius temp is colder.

How many degrees Celsius would a snowball be?

About -2 -0 as the snow will not melt and not be to hard to throw at people

What is temperature of ice in freezer?

If you mean the temperature inside a freezer, these are usually around -18 to -19 degrees celsius or 0 to -2 degrees Fahrenheit

What is warmer 8 degrees Celsius or 2 degrees Celsius?

8 degrees Celsius is warmer than 2 degrees Celsius.

How do you calculate temperature range below 0?

To calculate the temperature range below 0 degrees, subtract the lowest temperature from the highest temperature. For example, if the lowest temperature is -10 degrees Celsius and the highest temperature is -2 degrees Celsius, the temperature range would be 8 degrees Celsius (-2 - (-10) = 8).