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Since you're working with the same units of measurement for all of your readings, you can just place them on a number line.

-7 < -5 < 0 < 2

-7C is the coldest of these four.

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Q: Which is colder -7 degrees celsius or 0 degrees celsius or 2 degrees celsius or -5 degrees celsius?
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Yes it is.

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Is -19 degrees Celsius colder than -4 degrees Celsius?

yes. If you drew these 2 numbers onto a number line, starting from -20 and going to 0, -19 would be further to the left, making it a colder temperature.

What is colder 5 Celsius or 275 kelvin?

275 kelvin is equal to about 2 degrees celcius, so 275 degrees kelvin is colder.

Which is colder 35 degrees Fahrenheit or 38 degrees Celsius?

35&deg;C = 95&deg;F 35&deg;F = 2&deg;C 35&deg; Fahrenheit is much cooler. * * * * * F is cooler for temperatures down to minus 40 degrees (C or F). Below that the Celsius temp is colder.

How many degrees Celsius would a snowball be?

About -2 -0 as the snow will not melt and not be to hard to throw at people

What is temperature of ice in freezer?

If you mean the temperature inside a freezer, these are usually around -18 to -19 degrees celsius or 0 to -2 degrees Fahrenheit

What is warmer 8 degrees Celsius or 2 degrees Celsius?

8 Degrees Celsius is warmer than 2 degrees Celsius.

How many degrees below freezing is 20 degrees F?

20&Acirc;&deg; F is 12 Fahrenheit degrees and (6 and 2/3) Celsius degrees colder than the freezing point of water.

Will a mixture of water at 20 degrees Celsius and water at 30 degrees Celsius equal?

20o C + 30o C/2= 25o Celsius============heat flows into areas colder until equilibrium is reached, so an average works here

What is Celsius converted to Fahrenheit?

Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit: 1.Multiply the temperature in Celsius by 1.8 2.Add 32 degrees. For example. 0 degrees Celsius is 32 degrees Fahrenheit. 0 x 1.8=0. 0+32=32 degrees