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Q: Which is the best example of the theme of To Build a Fire A.The dog's complete dependence on the man B.The danger of not respecting the power of nature C.The sacrifices we make for the ones we love?
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Can you give example sentences for the word dependence?

His dependence on his mother handicapped him in a relationship. She regretted her dependence upon his advice.

How can you use the word dependence as a sentence?

The word dependence is a noun for reliance of outside sources for ones needs; subordination to someone or something; trust or reliance; a compulsive or chronic need, an addiction. Example sentences: The girl wanted to be in dependence; she wanted someone to take care of her. How can we lessen our dependence on foreign oil? She denies her dependence on prescription drugs, but her family says she needs help.

Is respecting yourself but not others an example of low self esteem?

i think it is more of a high self-esteem.

Can anybody tell me some movies where a man sacrifices his life for the woman he loves?

There are many different movies where a man sacrifices his life for the woman he loves. Titanic is an example.

What is an example of respecting minnority rights in the U.S.?

An example of respecting minority rights in the U.S. is the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which aimed to overcome legal barriers that prevented African Americans from voting. This legislation outlawed discriminatory voting practices and has continued to protect the voting rights of minority groups.

Why you use potential unchanged in shrodinger equation?

Because if you put there dependence on time for example you will not able to solve equation for a reasonable period of time. But sometimes you have to use potentials with time and coordinate dependence, for instance, when you work with magnetic fields.

Is alcoholism an example of a purely physical addiction?

Yes, the body can be physically addicted to alcohol. The psychological dependence comes first, then the physical dependence. So you would have to recover from those in the reverse order. You first get the medical care to get off the alcohol, and then you get the treatment for the psychological component.

why did god demand sacrifices?

People have argued about this for a long time. Some people hold that it is because God is an angry, bloodthirsty fellow who just needs to see the blood flow, needs sinners to boil in Hell and things like that. Others hold that the Biblical sacrificial system was instituted because, 3000 years ago, no self-respecting religion didn't have sacrifices. The Canaanites, for example, were apparently into child sacrifice. The sacrificial ritual of the Temple, where most of the meat from the sacrificial animals was sent home to be eaten, sounds pretty civilized in comparison.

What is the complete subject and with an example?

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What is the verb for complete?

Complete is already a verb. For example, "to complete something" is an action and therefore a verb.

What is the present tense of complete?

Uh... complete. For example, "I complete the book while I eat a sandwich."

What is psychological dependence on a drug?

You can not be psychologically dependent on a drug. Dependence is a medical term form for a person who physically withdraws when they stop the use of a drug. Now if you are psychologically addicted to a drug, you can find your identity being lost to a near impossible to feed hunger that only gets worse. If you feel that you are constantly in need of more, than get help immediately. The longer you wait, the worse it is.