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Slope = (1 - 4)/(3 - 1) = -3/2 = -1.5

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Q: Which is the slope of a line with the coordinates 1 and 4 and 3 and 1?
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Two coordinates are needed to determine the slope of a straight line equation.

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Points: (-14, 3) and (2, -5) Slope: -1/2

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(y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1) is the formula for the slope of a line. In this case, the formula with the points plugged-in would be (-1 - (-3))/(5 - 3). Simplified, the slope is 1. Of course, the order in which you plug-in the coordinates doesn't affect the slope of the line.

How calculate the slope of a line?

Using any two points, calculate the differences in the Y and the X coordinates. Then take the difference between the Y and divide it by the difference in the X. Example: Points (1,3) and (4,9) are on a line. Determine the slope of the line. X coordinates: 1 and 4. 4-1 = 3 Y coordinates: 3 and 9 9-3 = 6 Slope = Y/X = 6/3 = 2 The slope is 2

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Points: (-3, -1) and (3, -2) Slope: -1/6

How do write an equation of a line when given the slope a point of the line?

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The slope between two points (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) is given by: slope = change_in y/change_in_x = (y1 - y0)/(x1 - x0) → slope = (3 - 2)/(-4 - -1) = 1/-3 = -1/3

What is the slope of a line who has the coordinates 31 and 64?

This question only makes sense if the writer meant coordinates (3,1) and (6,4). If this is what was meant, then to find the slope, which is rise/run, you find the change in the y-coordinates and divide by the change in the x-coordinates. (4-1)/(6-3) = 3/3 = 1 the formula is; (y2- y1) / (x2-x1)

The slope of a line is -3. Find the slope of a line that is perpendicular to this line. The slope of a line is -3.?

The slope of two lines are perpendicular only if their slopes multiplied together equal -1 (m1*m2 = -1). So if a line has a slope of -3 then a line perpendicular to this one has a slope of -1/-3 or 1/3.

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0.25 is.