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Q: Which kind of angle has a special symbol that helps you know it's measure?
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Which kind of angle has special symbol that helps you know its measurement?

It is a right angle that measures 90 degrees and it has a special square like symbol

Which angle has a special symbol that helps you know it's measurement?

It is a 90 degree right angle that has its own special symbol which looks like a small square in the corner.

Which kind of angle has a special that helps you know its measurement?

The right angle, it is 90 degrees.

How do you find the supplement of a given angle?

if you know the measure of the angle then all you do is subtract that measure from 180 or 360 or 540, it depends on what your shape is. (e.g. you have a triangle (180) and you're trying to find the supplement of the angle 60 then you do, 180-60=120) :) hope that helps!

What are some Geometry formulas involving exterior angles of an equilangular polygon?

There is the Exterior Angle Inequality Theorem: If an angle is an exterior angle of a triangle, then its measure is greater than the measure of either of its corresponding remote interior angles.i don't know if that relly helps, but that's all i got

What is the angle of the letter e?

the only angle I know is exterior angle ; hope this helps ! xD

Which angle is reflexive?

A reflexive angle is any angle between 180° and 360°. I hope this helps

What is a obustuse angle?

It is an angle that is bigger than 90 degrees. Think of it as an obese angle if that helps you

What is the symbol of hephastus?

The symbol of Hephaestus is an anvil and hammer. HOPE THIS HELPS

What is 30 percent as an angle measure?

The answer is still 108 degrees, if you call the angle, "360 degrees". But, lets say your angle is 90 degrees, then of course you would multiply 90 degrees by .30 (again, 30% changed to a decimal), and you would get 27.00, or 27 degrees, and that would be 30% of an angle measure, 90 degrees. I hope that helps some, and if not, I fear that I am not understanding the question fully and maybe message me back once again, asking the question again, but more in depth.

What is an acute angle of a shape?

An acute angle is an angle of a shape under 90 degrees, an angle over 90 degrees is called an obtuse angle. hope this helps!:D

find the measure of the angle indicated?

I don't see an angle. Do you mean finding angles from a triangle? The three angles have to add up to 180 degrees. If it gives you (for example) 72 degrees and 68 degrees, what's the missing angle? Well, we add 72 and 68 up, then subtract it from 180. Our answer is found! Hope this helps, Conor