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Q: Which method shows the two triangles are congruent sss sas asa AAA?
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Why can't you use AAA to prove two triangles congruent?

You can't use AAA to prove two triangles congruent because triangles can have the same measures of all its angles but be bigger or smaller, AAA could probably be used to prove two triangles are similar not congruent.

Which explains why AAA is not enough to prove two triangles congruent?

Two triangles with three congruent angles may have different side lengths.

Is angle angle angle a way to show that triangles are similar?

Yes, AAA is a way to show that triangles are similar. Note, however, that AAA is not a way to show that triangles are congruent.

Are two scalene triangles with congruent angles similar?

When all of their corresponding angles are congruent (in any triangle, in fact) then the triangles are similar. Similarity postulate AAA. (angle-angle-angle)

What is AAA in math?

In geometry when comparing two triangles, if all three angles of each triangle are congruent to corresponding angles in the other triangle, then both triangles are similar.

What is angle angle angle in gemotry?

AAA, or angle angle angle, is a postulate used to prove the similarities of two triangles. If there exists a correspondence between the vertices of two triangles such that the three angles of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding angles of the other triangle, then the triangles are similar. (AAA)

Which cannot be used as a reason in a proof?

AAA (angle angle angle) cannot be used as a reason in a proof when proving triangles congruent .

Is it true that AAA angle-angle-angle does not guarantee congruence between two triangles?

The answer is no. When two triangles are congruent all three corresponding sides are the same and all three corresponding angles are the same. Two triangles with the same corresponding angles can have corresponding sides different so they are not congruent.

What is the meaning of AAA Similarity Theorem?

If three angles of one triangle are congruent to three angles of another triangle then by the AAA similarity theorem, the two triangles are similar. Actually, you need only two angles of one triangle being congruent to two angle of the second triangle.

What is the aaa and the sss postulate theorem?

There is no AAA theorem since it is not true. SSS is, in fact a theorem, not a postulate. It states that if the three sides of one triangle are equal in magnitude to the corresponding three sides of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.

What is the AAA theorem and the SSS postulate?

There is no AAA theorem since it is not true. SSS is, in fact a theorem, not a postulate. It states that if the three sides of one triangle are equal in magnitude to the corresponding three sides of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.

What are not congruence theorems?

I am guessing you are interested in triangles. Here are two false triangle congruence theorem conjectures.1, If the angles of one triangle are equal respectively to the angles of another triangle, the triangles are congruent. ( abbreviated AAA).2. If two sides and one angle of a triangle are equal respectively the two sides and one angle of another triangle, the triangles are congruent. (abbreviated SSA)Comment: Draw triangles with pairs of equal sides but in which the included angle between the equal sides is acute in one case and obtuse in the others.