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England is great

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Q: Which of the New England colonies sent fur to England so England could pay off their many debts?
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Why did many settlers come to new England colonies?

many early settlers came to the new world as indentured servants. They were either paying of debts, serving out prison terms or very desperate to survive.

What country had many colonies in the Americas?


How was the religion connected to in the new England colonies?

Many of them were Puritan colonies, actually.

What made it easier to farm in the Middle Colonies than the New England Colonies?

Because more land could be farmed

How many colonies in the New England colony?

3: new England colony, middle colony, and southern colony

Why were the middle colonies more diverse than new England?

The middle colonies are more diverse than the New England colonies because the middle colonies had many different religions and culture such as puritan, Anglican, roman catholic, Amish, and many more.

What were some reasons the colonies became rebellious towards England?

Well there were many Reasons # England charged too many taxes. # England commanded to only trade with the Mother Country(england). # Didn't give any rights to the colonies nor the people of the colonies. # Probitted Many town Meetings. # Didn't have many of the Democratic Principles. # Didn't allow the colonies to break off from the mother country (England) and wouldn't let them be independent.

How did mercantilism affect England relationship and the colonies?

The colonies resented many of the acts that Britain passed in favor of mercantilism. It limited the amount of manufacturing and production that the colonies could do in favor of the mother country. Indirectly led to revolution.

How many New England colonies did the English have?


What obstacles did the New England colonies face?

While the farmers in the New England colonies faced many obstacles, what was one advantage they had?

What governments did New England colonies had?

The new England colonies had democratic government because many men got to vote on who to run the colony

What did the British try to do after failing to take control of New England?

After failing to control the New England and Middle colonies, the British focused on the southern colonies. It was believed at the time that there were a great many loyalists there, who could hopefully be recruited to assist the British against the patriots.