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Q: Which of the following connect points of equal elevation?
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Sharp bends or kinks in the isobars mark points where cross the lines?

Contour lines connect points of equal elevation while isobars connect points of equal pressure

What is the difference between contour lines and relief?

Contour line connect points of equal elevation on a map, whereas relief is the difference in elevation from the highest and lowest on a map.

How is an isobar like a contour line?

Both isobars as contour lines connect points on a map along which values of a given parameter are equal. Contour lines connect points of equal elevation while isobars connect points of equal pressure.

Does a world map connect points of equal elevations?

A world map doesn't have to connect points of equal elevation, but there are world maps that do and they are called contour maps. See the link for additional information about contour maps.

How do you use contour lines?

Contour lines are lines that connect points of equal elevation. A topographical map is a map that uses contour lines to represent the elevation of land surfaces.

How do you find out if two points have equal elevation?

The best way to find out if 2 points have equal elevation is to measure them. You must measure each of these points.

Do Equal points of elevation on a topographic map are connected by contour lines?

A contour lines connects points of equal elevation.

What connects points of equal elevation on a topographic map?

Contour lines or also known as isohypses, connect points of equal elevation on a map. Contour lines can be curved, straight or a mixture of both. The lines on a map describe the intersection of a real or hypothetical surface with one or more horizontal planes.

Line drawn on a topographic map to join points of equal elevation?

lines of equal elevation are called contour lines.

What lines connect points of equal temperature?

On a Weather Map, the lines connecting points of equal temperature are called Isotherms.Similarly, the lines that connect points of equal barometric pressure are called Isobars.

What is a line connecting points of equal elevation?

property line

What connects points of equal elevation on topographic maps?

contour lines