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4 tons = 8,000 pounds

That's less than 8,500 pounds.

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Q: Which one is lighter 4 tons or 8500 pounds?
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How many tons are there in 85000 pounds?

88,000 lbs divided by 2,000 lbs (Short ton) = 44 Short Tons

How many tons are in 78000 pounds?

There are 2000 pounds in one ton. Therefore, 38000 pounds is equal to 38000 / 2000 = 19 tons.

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There are 2000 pounds in one ton. Therefore, 13200 pounds is equal to 13200 / 2000 = 6.6 tons.

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There are 2000 pounds in one ton. Therefore, 250000 pounds is equal to 250000 / 2000 = 125 tons.

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one ton is 2,000 pounds. 16 tons is 32,000 pounds.

How many tons are there in 100000 pounds?

10,000 pounds equals 5 tons. One ton equals 2000 pounds.

How many tons are in 1700 pounds?

.85 tons. one ton is 2,000 pounds

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There are 2000 pounds in one ton. Therefore, 45000 pounds is equal to 45000/2000 = 22.5 tons.

How many tons are there in 70 pounds?

There are 2000 pounds in one ton. Therefore, 70 tons is equal to 70 x 2000 = 140000 pounds.

How many tons are there in one thousand pounds?

There are 2000 pounds in one ton. Therefore, 1000 pounds is equal to 1000/2000 = 0.5 tons.

What is 4 tons and 300 pounds minus 1 ton and 500 pounds equal?

Convert everything to pounds. Four tons is 8,000 pouns and one tons is 2,000 pounds. So 4 tons 300 pounds is 8,300 pounds. One ton 500 pounds is 2,500 pounds. Now subtract...8,300-2,500=5,800 pounds. Now divide by 2,000 to get tons again...5,800/2,000=2.9. So the answer is two tons, 900 pounds.

How many tons is 3109 pounds?

One ton is 2000 pounds so ( 1.5545 tons is equal to 3109 pounds )