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All three ARE decimals.

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Q: Which ones are like decimals 8.457 1.36 7.222?
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What are the 3 kinds of decimals?

The 3 kinds of decimals are "terminating" "recurring" and "other" Terminating decimals are ones that end, such as 0.74 or 0.19857 Recurring decimals are ones that don't end, but repeat, such as 0.6666666... or 0.142857142857142857.... Other decimals don't end, and don't repeat, but go on forever, such as pi=3.14159265358979323.....

6 ones and 2 hundredths in decimals?


What is 9.27 into decimals such as ones and hundredths?

9 ones 2 tenths 7 hundredths

What is the union of the set of integers and the set of decimals?

The set of integers is a subset of decimals. If it is all decimals, including infinite non-terminating ones, then it is the real numbers.

How do you write 9 ones as a decimals?

9.0, or just 9

What is the meaning of recurring decimal?

Some decimals stop, some keep on going. The ones that repeat are known as recurring decimals.

What is 2.18 into decimals such as ones tenths and hundredths?

2 + 0.1 + 0.08

What does 7 stand for in 7.35 in decimals?

The 7 stands for 7 ones.

What is 14.9 rounded to the ones place in a mixed number?

Rounding to ones eliminates decimals. 14.9 rounds to 15

Round 4.9536 to the ones?

u look at the first two numbers of the decimals. If it s five (like it is) look at the next digit. Round it to...... the next big number

What is 43.30127018922193 rounded to the ones decimals place?

The correct answer is 43 rounding to the ones place. The correct answer is 43.3 rounding to one decimal place.

What is 1 ones and 6 teths and as a decimals?

1 is 1/1 and .6 is 6/10.