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The largest organism.

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Q: Which organism has the smallest surface area to volume ratio?
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Related questions

How does surface area to volume ratio affects an organism?

If the surface area of the organism is small, then there is no problem with getting all the oxygen needed. If the surface area of the organism is large, therefore a special respiratory surface is needed. An example is lungs, gills. The ratio of surface area to volume in a small organism is greater than the ratio in a large organism.

Does a basketball have a lot of surface to volume ratio?

No. A sphere has the smallest surface to volume ratio possible and a basketball is nearly spherical in shape (it has surface dimpling and seams).

What determines the size of an organism's circulatory system?

Surface area to volume ratio

If you compared a tiger a horse and a hippopotamus which would have the smallest surface area to volume ratio?


When and why a cell divides?

cells divide to maintain perfect surface/volume ratio of the body of an organism.

What shapes have the smallest surface area per volumn?

The fewer the number of sides that a polygon has, the higher the surface area to volume ratio. This increases until the polygon has an infinite number of sides, or has become a perfect sphere, when the ratio is the smallest.

How do you calculate the surface-area-to-volume-ratio?

The surface-area-to-volume ratio may be calculated as follows: -- Find the surface area of the shape. -- Find the volume of the shape. -- Divide the surface area by the volume. The quotient is the surface-area-to-volume ratio.

How can you obtain a cell's ratio of surface area to volume?

To obtain the ratio of surface area to volume, divide the surface area by the volume.

Why do larger animals keep their body heat better than smaller animals?

This is because of the surface to volume ratio. A small mammal has a larger surface area, as compared to its volume, than a large mammal does, so a small mammal's surface area to volume ratio is bigger. A large surface to volume ratio causes things to pass into the organism and out of the organism more easily, so a mammal with a large surface to volume ratio (a small mammal) will lose heat more easily in a cold environment than a mammal with a small surface to volume ratio (a large mammal).

What 3 things limit cell size?

DNA, Diffusion, and Surface Area to Volume Ratio.

Which potatoes when peeled produce the most peelings?

The smallest potatoes because their surface to volume ratio is higher than for large potatoes.

What happens to the surface area to volume ratio when folds are made in a cell's outer membrane?

The surface area to volume ratio will increase