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The answer will depend on how big the two figures are!

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Q: Which polygon has the greater perimeter an rectangle or a pentagon?
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How do you find the perimeter of a pentagon?

A pentagon, which is a 5-sided figure, will have a perimeter equal to the sum of the lengths of all the sides. This will be true for any polygon; the perimeter of any polygon is the sum of the lengths of all the sides. If the pentagon is a regular pentagon, then the perimeter will be 5 times the length of one of the sides. For any regular polygon, the perimeter will be the length of one side times the number of sides in that polygon.

Does a polygon with a greater area always have a greater perimeter?

No it depends on the size of the polygon

What rugular polygon has a perimeter of 25 centimeters?

It could be a regular pentagon

What is formula of perimeter of pentagon?

The side of the Polygon's measurements multiplied by 5.

Do the interior angle of a pentagon have to be the same measurement of the perimeter?

The angles of a polygon are not directly related to the measurement of the perimeter. If you measure a perimeter of a pentagon in inches and then again in centimetres, the measurement number will change but the pentagon will remain the same.

What is the formula for the pentagon?

Any 5 sided polygon is a pentagon. There is no formula for it. We have formulas for area and perimeter. Perhaps that is what you are asking?

What is the formula perimeter of regular pentagon?

The side of the Polygon's measurements multiplied by 5.

What type of figure is a polygon?

A triangle, a square, a rectangle, a pentagon are all polygons.

What is the formula for finding the perimeter of a pentagon?

The perimeter is the sum of the sides of a polygon. So, to find the perimeter of a pentagon, you need only to add up the 5 side lengths. In the event the pentagon is regular (all equal sides and angles) then you can multiply the measure of the side by 5 to get the perimeter.

What DO a rectangle polygon and a pentagon have in common?

Their exterior angles add up to 360 degrees

What kind of polygon do you get if you cut off two opposite corners of a rectangle?

Irregular Pentagon

Can a pentagon have 4 right angles?

no, because a polygon with four right angles is a rectangle