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Q: Which property makes it difficult for electricity to pass through a material?
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How easy or difficult it is for electricity to flow through a material measured in ohms?


Why does density make it difficult for electricity to pass through?

Electricity takes the path of least resistance. Conductivity of a material has a larger impact than density does.

What do you call a material that allows electricity to flow through it easily?

A material that electricity can conduct electricity.

How well electricity flows through a material?

Depends on the material. The electricity can flow through metal better then it can through wood because wood is a conductor of electricity (example).

What is the ability called when heat or electricity passes through?

Conductor Some materials are conductors of Heat OR Electricity. But the property is not the same for one material; example glass is a good conductor of heat but a poor conductor of electricity.

What is the name for a material which lets electricity flow through it easily?

Note that "electricity" doesn't flow, only current does, which is one aspect of electricity, does. Current is the flow of electrons. A conductor. It lets heat and electrical current easily.

What is a material that electricity can flow through called?

Electricity can pass through a wide verity of material that are conductive.

What is a material through which electricity does on flow?


What do you call a material that does not let electricity pass through it?

A material that does not conduct (or allow the 'passage' of) electricity is called an "insulator".

What sort of material lets electricity through?


What is the name of a material that does not let electricity through?


What is a material that lets electricity pass through it?

copper :)