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Q: Which property states that when 1 is multiplied by any number the product is the number itself?
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What do you call a product of a number multiplied by itself?

It'd be the product squared, since you're multiplying it by itself. the product of a number multiplied by itself is called an Exponent, Power or Square Number

What does identity property mean in im math for multipication?

An example of the identity property is: 8 x 1 = 8. Any number that is multiplied by a number to product itself is known as identity property.

What is the product of a number multiplied by itself called?

square number

A number that is the product of a whole number multiplied by itself?

A square number.

What is a number multiplied by itself to get a product?

Perfect Square

What number multiplied by itself will give the product 1600?

The number is 40

The product of a number multiplied by itself is what?

It is called a Square Number or a Square.

Which number when multiplied by itself gives a product of 3600?

The number is 60

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What two-digit number multiplied by itself has the product 2025?

The number is 45

Definition of multiplication property of 1?

When a number is multiplied by 1 the product is the number. That's the identity property of multiplication meaning any number multiplied by one will stay the same.

How many digits would be in the product 2 multiplied 30 times?

When a number is multiplied by itself, its product is called its exponent. When a number is multiplied by itself 30 times, this is the number's 30th exponent, or its 30th power. Two multiplied by two 30 times is 1,073,741,824. It has 10 digits.