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Q: Which set of values describes two quantities that are in a proportional relationship?
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How can you use a table to decide if a relationship is proportional?

If the ratio between each pair of values is the same then the relationship is proportional. If even one of the ratios is different then it is not proportional.

What is to determine all the values of the variables that make the proportion true?

It is finding all the solutions of a proportional relationship.

How can you identify a linear non proportional relationship from a table a graph and an equation?

A linear non-proportional relationship can be identified from a table if the ratios of the y-values to the x-values are not constant. In other words, if the values in the y-column do not increase or decrease by the same factor for each increase in the x-values. From a graph, a non-proportional linear relationship can be identified if the line does not pass through the origin (0,0) or if the slope of the line is not constant. Finally, in an equation, a non-proportional linear relationship can be identified if it does not have a multiplier or constant ratio in front of the x-variable.

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What term describes the set of all possibles input values for a function?

Domain describes all possible input values.

What is scolar quantities?

No such thing.Scalar quantities are values that have size but not direction such as mass or speed (as opposed to velocity which includes the direction of travel).

Quantities that have different values at different times are called?

Variables or data

Quantities or measured properties that are capable of changing values are called?


What is a mathematical statement that compares the values of quantities?

It could be an equation or inequality.

What characterized a relationship?

The moral values of the people in the relationship.

What describes the relationship between x and y for a line that has a slope of zero?

Y = mX + b where m = slope =0 and b = y intercept y = b for all values of x y is a constant for all values of x