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triangle, because of the structural stability of the shape. it is the simplest geometric figure that will not change shape when the lenghth of the sides are fixed

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Q: Which shape is more rigid a square or triangle?
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Why are triangles good for bridges?

The triangle is a rigid shape, more so than a square, for example.

How unusual is the square shape?

No more unusual than the right isosceles triangle, which is a diagonally-bisected square.

What shape has one more side than a triangle?

a quadrilateral such as a square, rhombus, or rectangle

Is a decagon a rigid shape?

No it is not: any shape with four or more sides which are connected pair-wise is not rigid.

Is a nonagon a rigid shape?

No it is not: any shape with four or more sides which are connected pair-wise is not rigid.

What is the characteristics of triangles?

It is a three sided polygon and has all the characteristics of a polygon. The only additional property that it has is that it is a rigid shape. All polygons with four or more sides can be distorted: a square into a rhombus, for example. But the sides of a triangle uniquely determine its angles.

What is a Shape with three or more sides?

Triangle Square Pentagon Hexagon Octogon Rumbus etc lol

Is diamond a triangle shape?

No, diamond is not a triangle shape. Diamond is a four-sided figure with two pairs of parallel sides that are not equal in length. It is more commonly described as a rhombus shape, which is a type of quadrilateral.

Which shape is more stable a triangle a square or a diamond?

A triangle. If you made a diamond or a square (which is really just a type of diamond) out of bendy straws, you could bend the them at their points. However, if you made a triangle out of straws, you couldn't bend it at its points. Therefore, a triangle is the most stable.

Does square have more area than a triangle and why?

Some do, some don't. And the reason is that the area depends on the dimensions as well as the shape.

Hexagon shapes hold more strenghth?

No. A triangle is the only rigid polygon.

3d shape that has more than one vertex?

triangle * * * * * A triangle is NOT a 3d shape! A cube.