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It is a cylinder

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Q: Which solid has a volume that is 3 times the volume of a cone with the same base and height?
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How do you find the height of a solid if you know the volume and the base area?

Divide the volume by the base area to determine height.

How do you find volume of a regular solid like a wooden block?

You multiply base by height times length or depth and you got yourself a volume.

How would you find the height of a solid if you know the volume and base area?

Divide the base area into the volume.

How are the area of the base and the volume of that solid related?

Which solid?? For the same height, larger area of base = larger volume. So they are directly related.

What is the height of a solid with a volume of 120m3 and base area of 30m2?


How to find the height of a cylinder given the volume?

Not enough information. The volume is the base area times the height; the height is therefore the volume divided by the base area.

Find the volume of a solid?

a base of a right solid whose height is 6 centementers shown. Find the volume. area is 28 cm and the height is 7cm

How do you find the volume of a rectangular solid?

Multiply base by width by height.

How do you find the volume in math?

to find the volume you do base times width times height.

What is the error - the volume of a triangular prism with height 10 cm and base area 25 cm is 250 cm squared?

You have to calculate the volume as (1/3) times (base area) times (height). You forgot the factor 1/3.You have to calculate the volume as (1/3) times (base area) times (height). You forgot the factor 1/3.You have to calculate the volume as (1/3) times (base area) times (height). You forgot the factor 1/3.You have to calculate the volume as (1/3) times (base area) times (height). You forgot the factor 1/3.

What is the volume of the cylinder?

Volume of a cylinder = base area times height

What formula do you use to determine the volume of regular solid?

the volume of a regular solid is the area of it's base multiplied by it's height.