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burial ceremony.

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Q: Which type of mortuary event occurs at the moment that the deceased is being laid to rest?
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How do you get into mortuary school?

A mortuary science program is generally an undergraduate associate degree program. Some of the more elite mortuary science schools, which are more expensive, may require interviews prior to being accepted for the program.

Has anyone been to death and back?

This is more of the medical question than a mortuary science question. There have been stories of people being pronounced dead yet later waking up in the hospital morgue, mortuary, or at the medical examiner's office. However, most stories you hear are of people going into the brink of death but waking up at the last moment. This is called a near-death experience.

What was built next to every pyramid?

A mortuary temple where the mummy was taken before being interred in the pyramid

Is there a difference between being present in the moment and being Cool?

The difference is that when you are in the moment, it is usually romantic.

Is cloning a deceased child dagorous?

Do you mean, "dangerous?" It's not possible to clone a deceased organism. It's not legal to clone a human being.

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Being deceased, he no longer has a house.

How do you prove being the daughter of the deceased father in order to bury him?

Your birth certificate.

How do you change stock from your deceased husbands name to mine?

stop being sexist

What is a synonym for the word moment?

The time being.

What is the reason for a deceased patient handled and moved to the mortuary with their feet first?

One thinks this is something of a Hollywood convention distinguishing (Stiffs) from sick and injured patients without being as obvious as morbid graphics like skull signs, etc. younger viewers might not catch on with the absence of dialogue and the plot is kept moving. Not Hospital protocol per se, but a Hollywood convention. White Room Has the Conn!

What is an heir?

An heir is someone that inherits from an estate due to being a descendant or relative of the deceased.

What is heirness?

An heir is someone that inherits from an estate due to being a descendant or relative of the deceased.