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This is the set of natural numbers.

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Q: Which variable type do you use to accept only non negative integers and null values?
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What is a discontinuous variable?

A discontinuous variable is a variable that has distinct categories. Blood type is a good example. You could be A, B, AB or O. This contrasts with a continuous variable such as height or weight, where there are an almost infinite number of possible values. Data for discontinuous variables is usually represented using a bar graph or pie chart, but never a scatter graph.

What is the connection between absolute value and integers?

None. Integers can be negative, absolute values cannot. Absiolute values can be rational or irrational fractions, integers cannot.

What is the word for - x values?

-x is a negative unknown or a negative variable.

What is the rule in dividing integers?

The rule in dividing integers is to divide the absolute values. Two positive integers or two negative integers equals positive product. If one integer is positive and the other is negative, the product is negative.

How can you tell the sign of a product of more than two integers?

If there is any zero in the set of integers, their product is zero.If there is an odd number of negative integers, then the product is negative, whereas if there is an even number of negative values, the product is positive.

How is absoulute value different from positive and negative integers?

The absolute value is always non-negative. So, the absolute values of zero and positive integers are the same as the numbers. However, the absolute values of negative integers are their additive inverses or additive opposites (or positive equivalents).Thus, for example, abs(-3) = +3

Array subscripts are always a large numbers b characters c negative values d integers?

d integers

How do the rules for multiplying integers compare to the rules for dividing integers?

The product of two positive integers or two negative integers is positive.The product of a positive integer and a negative integer is negative.The quotient of two positive integers or two negative integers is positive.The quotient of a positive integer and a negative integer is negative.You multiply or divide integers just as you do whole numbers, except you must keep track of the signs. To multiply or divide signed integers, always multiply or divide the absolute values and use these rules to determine the sign of the answer.When you multiply two integers with the same signs, the result is always positive. Just multiply the absolute values and make the answer positive.Positive x positive = positiveNegative x negative = positiveWhen you multiply two integers with different signs, the result is always negative. Just multiply the absolute values and make the answer negative.Positive x negative = negativeNegative x positive = negativeWhen you divide two integers with the same sign, the result is always positive. Just divide the absolute values and make the answer positive.Positive ÷ positive = positiveNegative ÷ negative = positiveWhen you divide two integers with different signs, the result is always negative. Just divide the absolute values and make the answer negative.Positive ÷ negative = negativeNegative ÷ positive = negativeExamples1.2.3.4. LOVE YOU :)

How do you multipy integers?

You multiply or divide integers just as you do whole numbers, except you must keep track of the signs. To multiply or divide signed integers, always multiply or divide the absolute values and use these rules to determine the sign of the answer.When you multiply two integers with the same signs, the result is always positive. Just multiply the absolute values and make the answer positive.Positive x positive = positiveNegative x negative = positiveWhen you multiply two integers with different signs, the result is always negative. Just multiply the absolute values and make the answer negative.Positive x negative = negativeNegative x positive = negative.

How to find the product of three negative integers?

For the value, just multiply the three values. The sign of the result is negative. So (-a)*(-b)*(-c) = -abc

What is the sum of 9 negative inegers?

Add the positive values of the 9 integers and put a minus sign before the answer.

What is the sum of 7 negative integer?

Add the positive values of the 7 integers and put a minus sign before the answer.