

Who Discovered Bahamas 1492?

Updated: 12/11/2022
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Christoper Columbus

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Q: Who Discovered Bahamas 1492?
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When was the Bahamas discovered?

October 12th, 1492

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Columbus had discovered the Bahamas in 1492.

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In the Year 1492 Columbus discovered the Bahamas Islands!

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In 1492 discovered some islands in the Bahamas and thought he had reached the Indies?


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Columbus discovered Haiti in December 1492. He also discovered Cuba in the same year.

What was the date when Columbus discovered the Bahamas?

nobody really knows people think it is 1492

What is the northern part of the continent that Christopher Columbus discovered?

He never was north. All of his voyages were in the Bahamas.

When did Columbus go to the Bahamas?

Christopher Columbus landed in the Bahamas in 1492

Who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and discovered the Bahamas?

In 1492 when Christopher Columbus sailed to North America he never actually landed in it. When his ship hit shore on October 12 he was actually in the Bahamas. What he discovered was the areas around the Canary Islands.

What date did columbus land in the bahamas?

in 1492