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Pythagoras discovered the means for measuring the length of sides of a right angle.

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Q: Who discovered the means for measuring the length of sides of a right angle?
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By means of trigonometry if you know the angle of elevation or by comparing it with a nearby object if you know its height and shadow length.

What does meters mean?

It means a measuring unit of length that equals 100 cm. One foot equals 0.3048 meter.AnswerIn British English, 'meter' means 'measuring instrument' (the SI unit for length is 'metre').In American English, 'meter' can mean either a 'measuring instrument', or the SI unit for length.

What does equilateral angle mean?

it means that they have the same length (all sides equal)

What does X equal for the equation negative sin x minus cos x equals 0?

Consider the meaning of the sine and cosine functions. They are ratios of the side lengths in a right triangle. Sine is the length of the side opposite the angle, divided by that of the hypotenuse, and cosine is the length of the adjacent side, again, divided by the length of the hypotenuse. Consider then: sin = o/h cos = a/h This means that according to our problem, if x is the angle we're measuring in the triangle: -(o / h) - (a / h) = 0 ∴ -o - a = 0 ∴ a = -o Which tells us that the opposite and adjacent sides on our triangle are of equal length. This means that our triangle is not only a right triangle, but an isosceles triangle as well. That means that our angle (x) must be π/4, or 45°

What type of angle is 120 degrees?

A 120 degree angle is an obtuse angle. This means that the angle is between 90 and 180 degrees.

1 yd means what?

yd is the standard abbreviation for a yard, which is a length unit measuring 3 feet or 36 inches. ■

Can a triangle be both isosceles and obtuse?

these are two different terms, isosceles means a triangle with two sides the same length, and hence two angles the same length. obtuse means there is at least one angle that is greater than 90 degrees. since two of the angle have to be the same, you know that only one such angle can exist, so is with any triangle anyway. just try to imagine a triangle with two sides the same length with one angle larger than 90 degrees. yup it's possible

What dose SAS mean?

Side-Angle-Side. It's a means to test for congruence between two triangles. If you can match the length of a side, the measure of the angle between that side and another side, and the length of that second side, then you have proven the triangles to be congruent.

What is Law of the sine?

The law of sines is a statement about arbitrary triangles in the plane.The law of sines states that in any right triangle, the ratio of the opposite side length to the length of the hypotenuse (relative to an acute angle) is always relative to the size of the angle. Put more simply, it means that if you take the sine of an angle, the value will be equal to the length of the opposite side divided by the length of the hypotenuse. The practical application of this is when you know the length of only one side and the measure of one angle (other than the right angle) you can determine the other sides and the remaining angle.The law of sines states that in any right triangle, the ratio of the opposite side length to the length of the hypotenuse (relative to an acute angle) is always relative to the size of the angle. Put more simply, it means that if you take the sin of an angle, the value will be equal to the length of the opposite side divided by the length of the hypotenuse. The practical application of this is when you know the length of only one side and the measure of one angle

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mm means millimeter which is small unit of measuring length

What is the proof that equilateral triangle is also called equiangular triangle?

Equilateral means 'same length' - Therefore if the length of each side in a triangle are the same, each angle MUST also be the same.

What is angle of elevation?

the angle of elevation would be the angle between the horizon and the line of sight to whatever object you are measuring to. Lets say for instance that you see a plane, and you determine that it has an angle of elevation of 30 deg. This means that from the horizon, you would need to look up at an angle of 30 degrees to see that plane. below I linked to a diagram which illustrates it quite well. Hope this helped!