

Who observed Mars?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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13y ago

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Many people - even before telescopes were invented. Lowell was the astronomer who thought he saw canals.

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Q: Who observed Mars?
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Mars has two moons: Phobos and Deimos.

When was the planet Mars first observed?

Mars has been known for thousands of ears that it is different than the stars and was first observed via telescope by Galileo in 1609.

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lot oddwjwbr

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He didn't. Mars has been observed from ancient times. Huygens did make some useful observations of Mars.

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2 Moons, Phobos and Deimos. :)

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None has been observed so far.

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Mars has been observed since ancient times and nobody is sure who spotted it first as it is only recorded as prehistory.

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Mars is sometimes called "the red planet", as it has a reddish tint when observed through a telescope

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Why was Kepler not satisfied with the circle he calculated to fit most of the observed locations of mars?

The orbits of the planets, including Mars, are eliptical, not circular. Keplers observed positions did not fit a circular orbit. The differences led him to discover that the orbits were not circular, but eliptical.

Are there any supervolcanoes on mars?

At present there is no observed volcanic activity of Mars. The super volcano of Olympus Mon on Mars is thought to be inactive, dating its past eruption from several to 15+ million years ago.